The Dawn of Me

A loving guide to living your sovereign life. 

By Gina Stock

 My love note to you

You are powerful, you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you are loved.

You don’t need to change who you are or become a better person. Believe it or not, you already are the person you wish to be. From the time you were born until this moment - you’ve been on a journey of remembering — remembering your soul desires and what you as soul embodied came here to experience and share. This knowing is and always has been inside of you, guiding you toward the truth of your beautiful self.

Of course, connecting more deeply with your truth will require some change. But I want to establish that you do not need to change who you are. You are perfect and whole, even if you feel broken, even if you feel lost, sad, or disconnected. Those feelings never come from your higher self. They come from forces outside of you hijacking your ability to deeply know and love yourself.

The changes you’re seeking will come from adjusting the way you relate to yourself, others, and all of life and you will witness these changes in your thoughts, words, and actions as well as your choices and ultimately in the way it feels to inhabit your body, to live your life.

You are in control of your experience of life. Do you feel lit up and free, or do you feel trapped in a system that will never change, as you grind away just to make money to buy things, clean the house, cook food, and pay the bills? Maybe you’re somewhere in between. I’m somewhere in between.

If your current experience of life is less than you wish it to be, it’s time for an upgrade. Are you ready to experience your life in an exciting new way?

I love you and I want YOU to love you in the deepest way, the way Source (God, Goddess, the Divine, the Universe) loves you. I wrote this book just for you, from my soul to yours and I hope you feel my love pouring out of it into your heart, your soul and your entire being.

You’ve got this! We’ve got this.

